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In accordance to Mathew 20:18-20, Missions Work of Success Chapel exists to proclaim the whole gospel to the whole world by sending forth God-called men and women in obedience to the great commission. “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Its objectives are as follows:

  1. Sending missionaries into all the world to preach the gospel of the kingdom to every creature;
  2. Training of national workers and ministers that they might, in fulfilment of the great commission, be able to evangelize and give leadership to the churches among their own people and in missionary outreach to other nations;
  3. Producing under God, self-governing regional and national churches in every city, town, country according to the apostolic pattern;
  4. Establishing an international fellowship of the Success of Christ Church National churches to be named as “Success Chapel” shall be encouraged to maintain the closest fraternal fellowship with the Success Chapel Headquarters and with Success Chapel worldwide;
  5. Creating by the power of the Word of God and the working of the Holy Spirit, a love for truth and holiness that will bind the church to the heart of God and produce the bride of Christ from among every nation, tribe, and tongue in the whole world (Revelation 5:9).

Being aware of the human impossibility of the task, we put our trust in God, His power, Holy Spirit and His Word, and seek to establish a centre of operations in every land from which national workers and ministers are sent forth.

4.1 Prayer and Care

Christ never guaranteed us a smooth ride to heaven, there may be tough time of pain or crisis, you don’t have to walk it alone. Our pastoral staff and volunteers are here to support you with both prayer support and face-to-face ministry. We have facilities and staff to offer pastoral guidance for last calls and all other tough times you may face. There are opportunities for you to get support or be a support for others walking through difficult times.

4.2 Prayer Team

We have a team of volunteers available to pray with you in any situation and provide a 24/7 support in time of need seeking God to intervene through a difficult time. Contact us

4.3 Biblical Counselling

We provide biblically based, clinically competent, and spiritually sensitive counseling on a short term basis. We strive to promote psychological and spiritual health for individuals and couples. We help individuals and couples cope with personal and interpersonal problems through the application of biblical truths, with the Bible and the Holy Spirit serving as the primary resource and advisor for counseling and teaching. Contact us at

4.4 Become a Member

Membership Class
It’s important you have a church that you can call home for yourself or your family. We invite you to make Success Chapel that place you call home. Being part of Success Chapel means you are part of the family here and part of a community changing the world and doing life together. Foundation Class is offered to give you a chance to hear first-hand from Pastor Sako  and other anointed Ministers of God, the vision and values of Success Chapel

This four-hour class, taught by Pastor Sako , is an opportunity for the whole family to connect to Success Chapel.

Register for Foundation Class

Life Class
Once you’ve completed the Foundational Membership Class it’s time to grow, serve and lead. In Advanced Class, Pastor Sako teaches the spiritual disciplines required to grow in your walk with Christ and how to serve his bride, the Church.

Register for Advanced Class

4.5 Become Baptized

Baptism is an important step in the life of a Christian. The New Testament teaches that new believers were baptized directly after they received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; there was no delay.

Baptism is also an act of obedience to the command of Christ. It symbolizes the spiritual cleansing through divine forgiveness and newness of life experienced by believers by virtue of their identification with Christ in His death and resurrection.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and wish to take that all important next step by following His command to be baptized, register below and experience God’s life-changing power. For more information about baptism at Success Chapel contact us.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

Register for Baptism

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